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Articles Treatment of poisoning
A helpful table giving details of how to treat accidental poisoning from insecticides, fungicides and herbicides.
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Articles Action in emergencies
By Dr William Hart. Modern agricultural pesticides (chemicals used for killing insects, weeds or diseases) may bring great benefits through saving labour and increasing production. But they can also bring danger to people livestock and wildlife. This article is concerned with accidental poisoning of humans by these chemicals.
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Articles Local knowledge and alternative poisons
Roger W Sharland. In Southern Sudan agrochemicals were both expensive and difficult to get. Most farmers were subsistence farmers but there was still a desire for the almost magic qualities seen to be possessed by chemicals or “dawa”, without a great understanding of what they did or the consequences of using them.
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Articles Warning! Medicines can seriously damage your health
Dr Ted Lankester, now Director of Interhealth which is based at Mildmay Mission Hospital, worked as a doctor in India for a number of years. Though this article is written for health workers and doctors, we can all learn from what he writes. All of us need medicine at some time in our life – this article will help us to realise that medicine is not always the answer to our problems. The misuse and over-prescription of drugs is a growing problem all over the world and one that should concern all ...
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Case studies Case Studies - taking good advice
By Dr Heather-Louise Williamson. These two case studies illustrate how difficult it can be for doctors and health workers to put Dr Lankester’s advice into practice, when patients will not accept the advice they are given. Use these stories to help your patients, and others, to understand the points which Dr Lankester is making.
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Articles Controlling pests wisely
Imagine you work as an agricultural extension agent and have to make decisions about pesticides. Pesticide companies may encourage you to use their products. Farmers will ask for advice. Government booklets may recommend a certain treatment.
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Articles An effective caring family planning programme
Drs Steve and Margaret Brown with Marian Storkey. Does your area have an effective and caring family planning programme, or are you considering how to improve or set up such a programme? Whatever the situation in your area, here are four key points to think about.
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Bible studies Bible study: Family spacing
Family planning is a sensitive issue about which Christians may have very different views. This study may help you to think more about your beliefs, and what your attitude should be towards others who may have opposite views.
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Articles Practical methods for spacing families
There are many ways of helping couples to space their families. The most suitable method depends on what is available, the needs of the couple, and on their beliefs about which methods are appropriate.
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Articles Space technology on the farm
By Jim Rowland. Anything that grows requires food, water, an energy supply and space. This is true whether we are talking about humans (especially children!), livestock, trees or crops. Human beings grow best where there are plenty of these resources and struggle, or die where there are not enough. Poor soil and over-population produce famine.
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