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Tools and guides Revealing the harm caused by witchcraft allegations against children – Information for facilitators
Background information about harm caused by witchcraft, to support community transformation
Available in 1 language
Tools and guides Community drama on child/early marriage – Activity
A drama script with questions for discussion
Available in 4 languages
Bible studies Unity in Christ
This Bible study can help us explore God’s desire for unity amongst Christians. It helps to address discrimination against certain groups of people
Available in 4 languages
Tools and guides Revealing conflict – Information for facilitators
Background information about conflict, to support community transformation
Available in 4 languages
Tools and guides Revealing stigma against people with disabilities – Information for facilitators
Background information about stigma against people with disabilities, to support community transformation
Available in 4 languages
Tools and guides Protecting crops from flood damage – Good practice guide
Practical advice on how to protect crops, leading to improved food security
Available in 4 languages
Tools and guides What are the causes and consequences of violence against women and girls? – Activity
Uses a picture of a tree to help groups learn through discussion
Available in 4 languages
Bible studies Sexual violence in the Bible: the story of Tamar – Bible study
The story of Tamar is a clear account of a planned act of sexual violence
Available in 3 languages
Tools and guides Revealing HIV – Information for facilitators
Background information about HIV, to support community transformation
Available in 3 languages
Tools and guides Choosing and building latrines – Good practice guide
Improve household sanitation effectively with this practical advice
Available in 3 languages
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