Here are a few reminders of the priorities of first aid. Before looking at burns and broken bones, remember your ABC…
A Airway
Make sure the airway is not narrowed or blocked.
B Breathing
Check the person is breathing. If they have just stopped, use mouth to mouth ventilation (though if there is bleeding, beware of HIV infection).
C Circulation (and bleeding)
Check to see if the heart is still beating. If it has stopped, use chest compression to try and restart the heart.
Burns Burns should be treated by immediate soaking in clean, cold water (or other clean fluid, such as milk or cola if no water is available). This relieves the pain and reduces damage by cooling the skin. Never apply any cream or grease. Never try and pull off loose pieces of skin or clothes. Remove any rings, watches or shoes from the injured area before it begins to swell.
Broken limbs Use clean tweezers to remove broken glass or wood. Broken limbs should be tied firmly to a support to prevent any movement before the patient is carried to a clinic or hospital.
Wounds Bleeding can best be stopped by putting a firm pressure onto the wound for about 15 minutes. Never use a tourniquet. If possible, raise the injured part to help lessen the blood flow.
This information was taken from Footsteps 18 which gave details of emergency first aid treatment and a quiz to check people’s ability to respond in an emergency.