This issue draws out many aspects of growing old with the opportunity to hear the views of a number of older people directly. Older people have much to share and contribute, though some also need particular practical or medical support as they age.
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In this edition
Articles Ageing and development
Wherever in the world a person lives, the process of aging is likely to raise challenges
Bible studies Bible study: The wisdom of old and young
Whatever our age, God is there for us, and always will be
Posters Caring for older people at home
Older people should be included as important members of the family, regardless of their health
Articles Castor oil
Information about the castor oil seed plant, a fast-growing shrub with leaves similar to pawpaw
Articles Experiences of older people
Here we gather together interviews with a selection of older people in various countries. They share their thoughts on the differing ways older people are treated today and their hopes and fears for the future
Articles The changing needs of older people
Caring for older people in a South African context
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