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Bible studies

Protecting those vulnerable to sexual violence

Individuals may suffer from different kinds of violence or abuse – physical, emotional or spiritual. This study looks at sexual abuse or violence within the family. Many people assume sexual violence takes place outside the family but it is most common within families

2016 Available in English and French

Member of a choir in DRC who write their own songs to educate people on the topic of SGBV.

From: Reveal toolkit: Gender and sexual violence

Tools to reveal and address inequality between men and women, and to address gender-based violence, including sexual violence and female genital mutilation/cutting

This Bible study is based on Judges 19:16-29.

It makes the following key points:

  • The church has a responsibility to protect the vulnerable, to speak up against injustice and provide care and support for those who have been abused (Micah 6:8).
  • An individual who has been beaten, raped or experienced sexual violence or emotional abuse may need different types of support and care, such as HIV testing, counselling, prayer support, acceptance, emotional support, reassurance and time to talk confidentially with an understanding person.
  • Women and girls are not expendable objects and deserve equal respect and honour (Ephesians 5:25).

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