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Illustration of a woman washing her hands under a water pump

Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) resources

Resources to help communities access, use and manage safe water and sanitation, and practise healthy hygiene behaviours

At a glance

Tearfund’s water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) work focuses on ensuring adequate, affordable and safe access to reliable water and sanitation services and healthy WASH behaviours.

We believe that breaking free from poverty is extremely difficult for communities if they are unable to access clean water, use safe sanitation services and practise healthy hygiene habits.

WASH approaches include:

  • building and rehabilitating facilities such as water points and community-based toilet blocks
  • supporting the management and maintenance of water supply services, such as a handpump mechanics association and technical response groups
  • using social and behaviour change approaches to promote healthy WASH behaviours

These approaches carefully consider sustainability and aim to minimise our impact on the environment. We prioritise the inclusion of diverse voices in WASH planning and provide contextual solutions that are both climate resilient and conflict- and gender-sensitive. Central to Tearfund’s WASH work is how the church can help facilitate these approaches.

The WASH resources explore how these approaches are adapted and implemented across the humanitarian-to-development spectrum.

A man splashes water at a newly built water point in Somalia

Theme overview

Our work in water, sanitation and hygiene

Breaking free from poverty is impossible without sustainable access to clean water, secure sanitation services and improved hygiene practices.

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