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(En anglais) Tearfund’s theology of mission

A paper that lays out our understanding of mission and its application to how we approach our work

2022 Disponible en Anglais, Espagnol, Portugais et Français

Groupe de femmes agenouillées en cercle par terre pour lire leur Bible.

Bible study group, Assemblies of God Church, Motherpur, Dinajpur, Bangladesh

Jesus called and commissioned the church to participate in God’s mission to redeem and restore all of creation, seeking his kingdom in all spheres of life through words, deeds and character. Having been unified with Christ we are transformed to be more like him and to do the things he did, through the power of the Holy Spirit.

This paper lays out Tearfund’s theology of mission, to provide a common understanding of our approach to our work, and so that we can grow as people and an organisation who are seeking the kingdom of God. 

In this paper we also examine Tearfund’s particular calling within the wider mission of the church, which is born out of our identity and our calling to tackle poverty and injustice. 

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