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CCMP and the Light Wheel

An introduction to facilitating church and community mobilisation process (CCMP) through the lens of the Light Wheel

2021 Available in English and French

Tearfund Light wheel chart
Illustration of church and community members working together to find local solutions.

From: Church and community mobilisation process (CCMP)

A collection of tools for use by facilitators and trainers of CCMP

The objective of the church and community mobilisation process (CCMP) is to empower people to transform their situations holistically using their God-given local resources.

The process first envisions a church in integral mission theology and then empowers church members to live out their faith in a holistic way, responding to the needs in their community. The process also helps the church to build relationships within the community and to mobilise local resources in order to meet the community’s needs. As such, CCMP helps break dependency on outside organisations bringing aid to a community.

The Light Wheel is a tool developed by Tearfund to help us think more practically and holistically about the areas of life we must consider if we want to see whole-life transformation.

It is made up of nine aspects of well-being, and when all areas are impacted positively, we can say that the holistic transformation - desired through CCMP - is being achieved.

This short document is an introduction to the integration of the Light Wheel into CCMP.

Tearfund believes that when God created the world, humankind experienced only perfect relationships; with God, ourselves, with others, and with creation. In the Fall, those relationships were broken – and it is this brokenness that we believe causes all poverty. God’s mission, seen throughout the Bible, is to restore these relationships. This is made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus. The mission of the church is to participate in this restoration, and when all four broken relationships are impacted, we call this holistic or integral mission. This is the calling of all Christians: to live out their faith in all areas of life. 

In John 10:10, Jesus said: ‘I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.’

The Light Wheel gives us a framework to help us think in a more practical way about the areas of everyday life we must consider if we want to see relationships restored and lives transformed ‘to the full’. It is made up of nine aspects of wellbeing that are depicted as spokes on a wheel to demonstrate their interconnectedness. The Light Wheel ensures that change is understood more deeply and holistically than just physical and spiritual change, and recognises that all these different aspects make up the total wellbeing of a person or community.

The objective of the church and community mobilisation process is ‘to empower people to transform their situations holistically, using their God-given local resources’. The aspects of wellbeing can be used as indicators to ensure that this objective is met. In order to transform a community holistically, CCMP must impact all nine aspects of wellbeing.

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A smiling African woman wearing a colourful dress and matching head-dress. N’Govie Amenan Adele, CCMP church member, Manglai-kan, Côte d’Ivoire.

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