This guide is an introduction to church and community transformation (CCT).
A beautifully designed and highly practical resource, it will take you on a journey through CCT theology, covering Tearfund’s theory of poverty, our understanding of integral mission, and how we see the role of the church. This theology is what inspires churches to live out their faith in practical ways and reach out to their community, mobilising local resources to overcome poverty.
The guide also looks at the practical processes, such as Umoja and CCMP, that Tearfund has developed to assist churches on this journey, and explains how we seek to scale up and continually improve our work. You will learn about the importance of facilitators, contextualisation and tools for understanding and expanding the holistic impact.
Interspersed throughout are the stories and images of individuals and communities all around the world who have experienced transformation as they have journeyed towards CCT.