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What stories will be told of the 21st century? This is a pivotal moment for churches and Christians to recover our place in God’s restoration story and realise our collective power to shape a fairer future.

The church is the most powerful agent for change in the world. Together, we can act with courage to shape a flourishing world where each of us has the economic agency and power to meet our basic needs, while protecting the earth’s life-support systems.

This is the restorative economy.

You are invited into the story of what is possible when millions of Christians across hundreds of thousands of churches follow Jesus with our whole lives. A story about how small seeds can sow global restoration in the hands of God.

In this series

When future generations talk about our impact on people and the planet, what will they say?

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When future generations talk about our impact on people and the planet, what will they say?

Will they say we sat by as the world continued on a path towards hoarded wealth, extreme poverty and environmental destruction, or that we courageously chose a different path? 

We’re at a pivotal moment: a moment where we – as Christians united as God’s church – can rediscover our place in God’s restoration story and shape a fairer future, marked by love, hope and generosity.


Or…a moment where we do nothing. The choices we make now will set the trajectory for decades to come.

Right now, inequality is growing. The earth’s life support systems are under threat.

Wealth and power are in the hands of the few, at the expense of the majority – especially those living in poverty. The root of all this is humanity’s ancient problem: when sin entered the world, our relationships with God, ourselves, each other and the rest of creation were broken.

The consequences include greed, corrupt governance, injustice, colonialism and the ransacking of God’s creation.
But together we can create a different future. 

A future where each of us can meet our basic needs and make sure the whole of creation flourishes.

We invite Christians and churches around the world to take their place in a restorative revolution… 

To partner with God to cultivate flourishing churches that embody the love, hope and generosity of Jesus locally…

To connect our churches in a global movement that transforms wealth, power and communities… 

And to hold the powerful, and each other, to account.

We will need courage and humility. But together we can move closer to a fairer, flourishing world. 

We invite you to join us in making some courageous choices… choices that future generations will be proud of.

Click the link in the description to find out how you can partner with God to play your part in a restorative revolution. 


  • I believe that this could be a prophetic call for the global church to serve and save the planet for the glory of our Creator. With 2.6 billion members the global Church is bigger by far than any national population or multinational corporation. It is Jesus himself who calls us to challenge greed, speak truth to power, and take action in our own lives, praying for God’s rule and reign in every sphere of a renewed world.

    Pete Greig 24-7 Prayer International and Emmaus Rd Church
  • Together, we have what we need for all to flourish in God's creation. Yet today many go hungry without the basics for a dignified life while we bruise creation in the pursuit of endless wealth for the few. 'Restorative revolution' reveals how we, as the church, can step up and play our part in reshaping our societies and economies to bring a more just system for all. The question is, after reading, what action will we take?

    Laura Young Climate Activist and Environmental Scientist 
  • This is a prophetic and hope-filled look at how the church can inspire solutions to the big challenges we face in our world today.

    Emma Wyndham Chalmers Advocacy Director, Tearfund Australia

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