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About Reveal

Reveal is a collection of tools for people working directly with local communities or churches. The tools include information sheets, activities, Bible studies and good practice guides. It is not a process to work through from start to finish. Instead, you can search for the tools that are most helpful to you and the communities you are working with. 

Watch our short film to discover more about Reveal

Getting started

If you are new to Reveal, start here. This section provides lots of tools to help you make the most of using Reveal.


Why use Reveal?

Tearfund believes that development and resilience to disasters are only sustainable when the process is truly owned and led by communities themselves. However, experience has shown that sometimes communities may need support to recognise and address issues that would otherwise be ignored or unseen.

These are so-called ‘hidden issues’ that aren’t talked about because people are ashamed or embarrassed, or because they are issues that are misunderstood. We also recognise that sometimes technical guidance and input may be needed to ensure good practice and prevent unintended harm.

Reveal can help a process of community empowerment become even more effective, by providing tools to help uncover, explore and address hidden issues, and by providing technical advice and support for community actions and projects.

Learning and impact

Tools from Reveal are being used across the world. Here are some examples:

  • Reveal is being used alongside church and community mobilisation work in West Africa: ‘We are combining the CCM process with technical support from Reveal. This is helping communities become more resilient.’ Levourne Passiri, Tearfund's Country Representative in Chad and CCM catalyst for West Africa
  • Reveal was used in a skills-sharing workshop hosted by the Anglican Alliance in East Africa: ‘We used an activity from Reveal called “Understanding disability and vulnerability”. It allowed people to share their insights and experience, making it a perfect activity to ensure that the workshop was about skills-sharing rather than a more passing learning experience.’ Janice Proud, Anglican Alliance
  • In the North of Bangladesh, Tearfund partner LAMB used the Reveal Composting tool with local communities. It has led to transformation of the livelihoods and lives of small-scale farmers such as Simon Hembrom. After learning to produce and use compost, Simon is experiencing better yields of vegetables, beans and corn, as well as more income from the sale of compost.


Village meeting in Nigeria for the Church Community Mobilisation Programme.

Are you using Reveal?

How are you using it in your community and what impact is it having? Please let us know.

Email us