This drier is very effective for drying large quantities of fruit, leaves or herbs. Unlike other driers there is no need to remove the contents when it rains. It also allows fresh material to dry in the shade, thus maintaining high vitamin content.

This material was published more than 15 years ago and may not fully reflect current knowledge and understanding.
Solar drier
This drier is very effective for drying large quantities of fruit, leaves or herbs. Unlike other driers there is no need to remove the contents when it rains. It also allows fresh material to dry in the shade, thus maintaining high vitamin content
Available in French, English, Spanish and Portuguese
The back and two sides are made out of wood. One side can be removed. Six wooden trays with mesh bases will fit inside the drier and can be pulled in and out. The top and front of the drier are made of thick, clear plastic. At the base is a wooden box with an open top and wire mesh at the base. This is painted black and should have clear plastic (such as Perspex) or glass fitted tightly. It is laid at an angle to catch the sun’s rays and allow hot air to enter at the base and be drawn through the drier and out through a metal vent at the top.
Add fresh material to trays at the top of the drier. Each day, stir the drying fruit or vegetables several times to ensure effective drying.
This drier is another example of the practical technologies developed at ECHO, 17391 Durrance Road, North Fort Myers, FL 33917-2200, USA.
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