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Bible studies

Bible study: The river of life

Water is used to symbolise many things in the Bible; cleansing, new life or healing

2002 Available in English, French, Spanish and Portuguese

Photo: Mike Webb/Tearfund

From: Water – Footsteps 51

Improving access to sufficient, safe water

The river of life

Water is used to symbolise many things in the Bible; cleansing, new life or healing.

Read Ezekiel Chapter 47:1-12

Here is a wonderful picture of the river of life, symbolising the spirit, life and power of God.

  • Where is the source of the river of life? What do you think this represents?

Like all rivers, the river of life begins as a small trickle that grows into a mighty river too deep to stand in.

  • If the water represents the spirit, life and power of God, where are we standing? With our feet in the shallows? Or have we launched out into the deep water to be carried along by the power of God’s love?

The deeper we move into our relationship with God, the more the river of life will surround us and flow through us. The river of life brings blessing wherever it passes.

Read verses 7-10

The sea that is mentioned here is the Dead Sea – which has a very high salt content.

  • What happens as the river of life enters the Dead Sea?
  • Do we have the same effect on our sinful communities and the world in which we live?

Read verse 12

The river brings great blessing to all those, who like these trees, have their roots deep into the water.

  • What are the five points to note about these trees?
  • Reflect on how Christ’s life could be likened to this description.

This picture is also repeated again at the end of the Bible:

Read Revelation Chapter 22:1-2

At the end of his ministry Christ reminded us that he is always with us, still pouring out his love and spirit upon us (Matthew 28: 20b). Let us hold on to this beautiful image and let the river of life flow through us and our communities.

Gladys Mwiti established the Oasis Counselling Centre in Nairobi, Kenya.    

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