Ask yourself these questions each time you lead a small group discussion. It will help you to assess the development of your skills in facilitation. Write down your answers and compare them over time.
- Did I use icebreakers or energisers to help people relax?
- Did I make sure everyone understood the questions and if necessary reword them?
- Was I uncomfortable with silence while people thought about the answers?
- How did I deal with someone who talked for a long time?
- Did I listen to everyone’s responses?
- How did I encourage quiet people to join in the discussion?
- Did I make use of role play?
- How did I deal with someone who always answered the questions before anyone else had a chance to speak?
- How did I encourage useful points to be discussed further?
- How did I cope when I didn’t under-stand the answers?
- How did I cope when I felt people’s views were unhelpful?
- How did I handle differences of opinion?
- Did I bring the discussion to a satisfactory conclusion?
How could I do this better?