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Can our community make changes

An introduction to the concept of 'mobilising', where local groups make change happen

2005 Available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish

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From: Pillars guides

Practical, discussion-based learning on community development for small groups

  • Waiting for change to be brought into the community by outsiders may take a very long time indeed. It may also not bring the changes that people long to see. For example, local people may see a health clinic and training for health workers as their priority. However, they may find it hard to say no to an NGO wanting to test a new malaria vaccine in that area and train people to collect information.
  • However, it may be possible for a small committed group within a community to bring about real changes for the better on their own. This is called ‘mobilising’. This may be a church group, a women’s group, a farmers’ cooperative or a youth group. This guide will provide ideas to help you mobilise your community to bring about improvements.


  • How can the members of our group support efforts to mobilise the community?
  • Discuss the statement, ‘Poverty is more an attitude of mind than what is available in the pockets.’
  • In addition to members of our group, are there other people in the local area who are committed to improving things?
  • Have you seen any changes in the community because of action taken by local people? Discuss if this type of change could be increased by involving more people.
Illustration of a small group of men and woman standing speaking together outside a building

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