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Transforming churches and communities: Strengthening preparedness

Why and how to consider disaster preparedness on your journey to church and community transformation (CCT)

2022 Available in English and Spanish

Cover image of the Strengthening Preparedness manual

This resource is part of a series for facilitators and practitioners of church and community transformation (CCT) processes who want to achieve greater holistic impact in their work. Each resource in the series focuses on a topic that may not have come out naturally in a typical facilitation process.

This guide focuses specifically on why and how to consider disaster preparedness when moving toward sustainable and holistic CCT.

The resource includes:

  • an explanation of what disaster preparedness is and what the Bible says about it
  • participatory questions
  • group Bible studies
  • activities for facilitation within a CCT process

It can be used alongside any CCT process, including the Church and community mobilisation process (CCMP), Umoja and Sangsangai.

What CCT is and what this guide provides

Tearfund believes that when God created the world, it was made in perfect relationships: between humankind and God, creation, each other and ourselves. In the Fall, those relationships were broken, becoming the root causes of poverty. God’s mission – and therefore the mission of the church – is to see these relationships restored.

This is made possible through the death and resurrection of Jesus. When Christians seek to live out their faith in everything they do, impacting all four broken relationships, we call this integral mission.

We believe that when local churches commit to integral mission, they begin a journey towards whole-life change. This journey empowers people to realise their potential and recognise the resources God has given them, inspiring them to respond holistically to the needs of their community.

The church – internally and externally – starts addressing forms of exclusion that keep people living in poverty and hinder them from flourishing. The goal is to see broken relationships restored, bringing about church and community transformation (CCT).

Other languages

Close-up photo of a smiling African man wearing glasses with banana palms in the background. Gilbert Irahari, AEE - CCT Project Officer. Kigali, Rwanda.

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