In all four of the gospels, Jesus is recorded performing a miracle, usually known as the feeding of the five thousand.
Read Matthew 14:13–21 and John 6:1–15.
Jesus and his disciples are looking for a quiet place to rest, but they are being followed by a large number of people. When Jesus sees them, he is filled with compassion and he heals those who are unwell (Matthew 14:14).
Too expensive
In the evening the disciples want to send the people away so they can go and buy food from the surrounding villages. But Jesus decides to test his disciples (John 6:6). Already knowing what he is going to do, he asks them to feed the crowd. They are shocked! Philip says, ‘It would take more than half a year’s wages to buy enough bread for each one to have a bite!’
Despite all the wonderful things they have seen Jesus do – including miraculous healings earlier that day – the disciples cannot see beyond the immediate problem. ‘We cannot do this. It is too difficult. Too expensive.’ They lose sight of who Jesus is and that for him, nothing is impossible (Luke 1:37).