Advertisements shape what we think and how we feel. They sell more than the product itself. They sell ideas or messages that encourage people to buy the product. Companies that produce alcohol spend a lot of time and money creating images that make drinking alcohol seem attractive. The message they give is that alcohol will make life better.
What the advertisements do not focus on is the harm that too much alcohol can do to the health, success and well-being of an individual, family and community.
Looking closely at alcohol advertisements can help people to:
- learn how advertising encourages people to buy and drink alcohol
- understand that advertisements often present ideas about alcohol that are not true
- find ways to communicate more truthful messages about alcohol to others.
The following activities can be carried out with community groups. They take around two hours, although you might want to arrange other meetings for the last stage.
Identify alcohol advertisements. Ask people to think about the alcohol advertisements that they have seen or heard. Show examples of these, perhaps from the local newspaper.