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Research reports

Women's Economic Empowerment report

The impact of interventions addressing gender-based violence in Ituri Province, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo

2018 Available in English

Yvette, a mother of six and survivor of conflict in DRC, is finding hope through the making and selling of dresses.

A mother of six in conflict-affected DRC who’s supporting her family through making and selling dresses and doughnuts. Investing in women’s economic empowerment has been recognised as essential not only for upholding women’s rights but also as a precondition for sustainable development

Illustration of a man and woman working together at a table

From: Transforming Masculinities: Women’s Economic Empowerment

Promoting respectful and equal relationships to create economically thriving communities

The report explores the current socio-economic situation of women in three villages in Ituri Province, Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the degree to which interventions addressing gender-based violence have effected change on economic violence and women’s economic empowerment. The research is based on primary data from focus group discussions.

The research concludes that social norms around gender roles and responsibilities continue to have a strong hold and that interventions addressing violence are successful at an individual level when they do not challenge the roles, status and power relationships between men and women. More reflection and engagement with both men and women is needed to address the underlying causes of continuing economic hardship and gender inequality.

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