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Environment resources
Resources to help people and groups restore their natural environment and use finite resources in a sustainable way
Available in 4 languages
Tools and guides CEDRA
Climate change and environmental degradation risk and adaptation assessment
Available in 9 languages
Tools and guides Why advocate on climate change?
Using different advocacy tactics to help tackle the problem of climate change
Available in 1 language
Tools and guides Waste picker rights due diligence toolkit
A human rights due diligence toolkit for organisations working with the informal sector to reduce waste
Available in 1 language
Magazines Sustainable energy – Footsteps 114
Practical examples of how off-grid sustainable energy can improve people’s day-to-day lives
Available in 4 languages
Policy positions Powering past oil and gas
Energy choices for just and sustainable development
Available in 1 language
Policy positions Designing sustainable subsidies to accelerate universal energy access
Key principles for the design of pro-poor subsidies to meet the goal of sustainable energy for all
Available in 1 language
Policy positions No time to waste
Tackling the plastic pollution crisis before it’s too late
Available in 4 languages
Tools and guides Agroforestry – a Pillars guide
Practical information on growing trees with crops and improving soil
Available in 2 languages
Tools and guides Building a sustainable future
Incorporating environmental and economic sustainability into relief and development work
Available in 3 languages
Tools and guides Environmental sustainability – a Roots guide
Equips development organisations to respond to environmental issues
Available in 5 languages