References mentioned in the footnotes
Here are the links to the additional references mentioned in the footnotes in Part 1 of the toolkit:
Footnote 1: For more information on CCT see An introduction to church and community transformation.
Footnote 2: For more information on Tearfund’s theory of poverty see Understanding poverty.
Footnote 3: Our short animated video called ‘Understanding poverty’ explains Tearfund’s beliefs and values in relation to poverty and transformation.
Footnote 4: To explore the different stages of the project cycle please see Tearfund's Roots 5 guide on Project cycle management.
Footnote 5: Guidelines for facilitators have been created by CCT practitioners in West Africa to explain how to integrate the Light Wheel into their CCT process.
Footnote 6: To learn more about the findings from Tearfund’s QuIP research studies, see Researching the impact of the local church and CCM.
Footnote 7: For the full findings of Tearfund’s CCT impact study, see our CCT impact study series.
Footnote 8: Tearfund's approach to Outcome Harvesting is explained in our toolkit Change inside and out.
Footnote 9: Tearfund’s report on Ageing in Rwanda contains the full findings from our research into old-age vulnerability in Rwanda.