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How local churches strengthen community resilience to disasters

Tearfund’s understanding of how community resilience to disasters is strengthened through the activity of local churches

2024 Available in English

How local churches strengthen community resilience to disasters

This theory of change outlines Tearfund’s understanding of how community resilience to disaster risk is strengthened through the activity of local churches. It also describes Tearfund’s role in supporting those churches and identifies the assumptions we have made. It explains how poverty and disaster impact are linked, and that if we are to tackle the first then we must also address the second. The resource outlines seven key phases of Tearfund, church and community activity:

  •  Awakening – Churches come to believe tackling disaster risk is part of their role in outworking integral mission
  • Equipping – Churches and communities have the skills and tools to prepare for, and more effectively respond to, disasters
  • Resourcing – Churches and communities are able to access the resources they need to reduce disaster impact
  • Collaborating – Churches and communities have the relationships they can rely on to reduce disaster impact together
  • Advocating – Churches and communities are able to influence and inform decision-makers in reducing and managing existing disaster risks, as well as preventing new ones. They hold them accountable for what they promise to do
  • Peacebuilding – Church and community leaders are strengthened in non-violent conflict management and resolution
  • Climate-proofing – Communities practise climate- resilient livelihoods and influence policy to protect and restore their natural environment

The purpose of this resource is to help Tearfund and partner staff describe what we are doing in this area, and what this work is achieving. It is intended to be used both internally within Tearfund, and externally.

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